- Sustainability
- Environment
- Waste
Resource Recycling
Policy (our fundamental view)
The NOF Group is actively engaged in resource recycling efforts to reduce waste.
(1) Promotion of the sale of valuable waste and internal processing: We sell waste as valuable resources and actively promote internal processing. This promotes the efficient use of resources through the reuse and recycling of waste.
(2) Reduction of waste generated by maintaining separate disposal and improving processes: By maintaining separate waste disposal and improving processes, we are reducing the amount of waste generated. This initiative prevents resources from going to waste and ensures their efficient use.
(3) Ongoing search for recycling processing contractors as well as processing implementation: We work continuously with recycling processing contractors and actively implement waste recycling processing. This initiative promotes the reuse of resources, efficient use of resources, and reduction of waste.
(4) Landfill reduction through recycling of existing waste: By recycling existing waste, we are reducing disposal into landfills.
Resource recycling targets
The NOF Group promotes resource recycling efforts while setting targets.
(1) Zero emissions*1 rate: 0.10% or lower annually We promote waste separation and recycling, and reduce the generation of waste disposed of in landfills as much as possible.
(2) Recycling rate of plastic waste*2: 94% or more every year (from FY2024)
For resource recycling and effective use of resources, we promote recycling of plastic waste.
*1 Here, this means an endeavor to make the disposal quantity of industrial waste through corporate and production activities close to zero. Definition of zero emissions rate: Volume of final disposal by landfill/volume of waste, etc. generated × 100
*2 Definition of recycling rate: (Amount of plastic waste treated by heat recovery, material, or chemical processing/amount of plastic waste discharged) x 100
Work toward saving resources
In fiscal 2023, the NOF Group generated 133,523 tons of waste, of which 82.4% was reduced through internal weight reduction measures and 16.9% was outsourced for external processing. As for the breakdown of the waste externally processed via outsourcing, 10.8% was recycled externally, 5.6% was reduced externally, and 0.5% was disposed via landfills, for a recycling rate of 11.5% of the total waste generated.
As part of our resource circulation efforts, we are improving processes to increase yield and reduce the amount of waste generated, promoting the sale of valuable waste and internal processing, recycling existing waste for landfill reduction, maintaining separate disposal and reducing waste generated, and continuously searching for plastic waste recycling and disposal contractors and advancing processing by them. We will continue to actively work to promote resource circulation, reduce waste, and lessen our environmental impact.

(Click to enlarge)
Promotion of drive toward Zero Emissions
The volume of waste discarded by the Domestic Group for final disposal by landfill was 69.0 tons in fiscal 2023, with the Zero Emissions rate standing at 0.050%.
Meanwhile, NOF’s final landfill volume was 48.1 tons, with the Zero Emissions rate standing at 0.035%.
NOF will continue to promote the separate collection and recycling of waste, and will strive to reduce the volume of final landfill disposal.
Final disposal volume by landfill Zero Emissions rate
Recycling of resources
Recycling of valuables from waste
In addition, the NOF Group’s sales from the recycling of waste amounted to 337 million yen in fiscal 2023. We will continue our policy of actively promoting the effective use of resources through recycling and reuse.
In addition, in FY2023, the NOF Group’s waste plastic emissions decreased by 70 tons to 840 tons, and the recycling ratio against the emission amount improved to 99%. Furthermore, the Domestic Group’s sales from the recycling of waste amounted to 279 million yen.
We will continue to actively sort and recycle waste plastics and also continue our recycling efforts.
Changes in sum of valuables sold Changes in amounts of plastic waste recycled and recycling rates【NOF Group】
Category | FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 |
NOF Group | 28,446 | 28,955 | 29,164 | 25,157 | 22,541 |
Domestic Group | 23,662 | 24,176 | 23,796 | 21,270 | 19,132 |
NOF | 22,721 | 22,529 | 22,822 | 20,493 | 18,463 |
|Breakdown of waste quantity from plants(FY2023) (tons)
Category | Waste quantity from plants | Recycling quantity | Outside disposal quantity | Final disposal quantity by landfill |
NOF Group | 22,541 | 14,238 | 7,481 | 823 |
Domestic Group | 19,132 | 13,511 | 5,552 | 69 |
NOF | 18,463 | 12,939 | 5,477 | 48 |
Breakdown of waste quantity from plants(FY2023)
【NOF Group】