Activities Policy/Promotion System

Activities Policy

 For a chemical company to live together with society as one of its vitally important members, it has to seek harmony with social environment and natural environment, and be recognized, appreciated, and accepted by society. With this fundamental awareness in mind, the NOF Group has set forth its Management Policy Regarding Responsible Care as a set of norms to be faithfully observed by every officer and employee of the Group with a view to winning even greater trust from society.
 Furthermore, NOF became a signatory of the Responsible Care Global Charter, proposed by the International Council of Chemical Associations in 2014, and declared its support of the Charter and its commitment to practice RC activities both in Japan and overseas.

Management Policy Regarding Responsible Care
 The NOF Group is dedicated to protecting the safety and health of customers, the public, and employees, as well as the environment, ecosystems, and resources. For this purpose, based on the principles of Responsible Care, NOF, its affiliates, and all executives and employees observe the following management policies on safety concerning the five areas of environment, products, plants, transportation, and labor.

(1) Retain an awareness concerning safety issues involving the social and natural
(2) Conduct activities based on appropriate self-management along with close collaboration
  with other business units.
(3) Conduct highly reliable safety checks and adhere to all laws and regulations.
(4) Everyone must work to minimize the impact of products on the environment, safety and
  health. This covers every aspect of products, from their development and manufacture
  through retail, use and disposal.
                               (Amended April 2023)

There are six circles surrounding the words “Responsible Care” in the center, and they are labeled in order from the top clockwise as follows: environmental safety, product safety, logistics safety, dialogue with society, occupational safety, and equipment safety.
     Responsible Care

The Five Components of Safety
 The NOF Group classifies its RC activities into “Five Core Components” comprising environmental safety, plant safety, product safety, labor safety, and transportation safety. Every year, we set RC activity targets, key issues, and implementation items, which are then applied into specific measures for each works, plant, and Group company. These activities have been implemented since 1994. In addition, “dialogue with society,” including information disclosure and exchanges with local communities, has been added to the Five Core Components as a theme of activities.

Initiatives to Ensure the Five Components of Safety
 The NOF Group is promoting various initiatives related to the five components of safety.

The five aspects of NOF's RC activities are written in white on colored circles, arranged in a mountain shape, with the following targets written next to each: zero lost-time accidents, zero occupational accidents, zero environmental impact substances discharged, zero inappropriate incidents, and zero distribution accidents. Above these, in black text from the left, the targets are listed as: eradication of traffic accidents, elimination of unsafe behavior and conditions, implementation of assessments when establishing or changing facilities, response to natural disasters, management and reduction of industrial waste, passing on skills and techniques, response to climate change, reduction of atmospheric emissions of substances covered by the PRTR Law, stable operation of environmental facilities, reliable response to chemical substance regulations and laws, promotion of safe logistics.
Initiatives to Ensure the Five Components of Safety
(Click to enlarge)

Promotion System

The organization promoting this is made up of the president, the CSR Committee, the RC Committee, the RC managers in charge of each business division, the RC managers at each office, factory and research center, and the line of RC managers.
RC promoting organization diagram

RC promoting organization
 The RC Committee, chaired by the general manager of the Corporate Technical Division (concurrently director and executive operating officer) appointed by the President, comprises business division managers, corporate division managers, and managers of plants and works.
 In order to ensure that decisions on RC activities made by the RC Committee chair are thoroughly disseminated as Group policies in a timely manner, managers and staff in charge are assigned to business divisions, plants, research laboratories, and affiliate companies to ensure concrete rollout of RC targets.

Do: Implementation of RC activity plans, Check: Inspection and evaluation through internal audits, Act: Review of policies and targets, Plan: Creation of activity plans
    Flowchart of RC activities

Flowchart of RC activities
 RC activities are being developed by ensuring that the PDCA cycle is followed in an effort to “spiral up” the activities.
