Value Creation Process

Creating products, value, and a new future with the power of chemistry

 We propose new technologies and new products by combining the core technologies we have acquired in our diverse business areas.
 To solve various social issues, we aim to grow sustainably centered on our three prioritized business fields.

We aim to achieve our desired state by repeating this loop: we input sustainable investment to solve social issues, and then use our business model to output products that generate economic and social value.
Value Creation Process(Click to enlarge)
The NOF Group's inputs include financial capital (long-term credit rating of A+), human capital (3,879 employees), manufacturing capital (capital investment of 18.7 billion yen, 20 manufacturing bases), intellectual capital (R&D investment of 7.3 billion yen, 1,228 patents, 4 patent attorneys), social capital (11,000 suppliers, research consignment to universities and research institutions), and natural capital (234,000 tons of raw materials, 290.9 million gigajoules of total energy input, 22.68 million cubic meters of water usage). 00 companies, research consignment to universities and research institutions, natural capital: 234,000 tons of raw materials, total energy input: 2,909,000 GJ, water usage: 2,268,000 m3, NOF Group outcomes: financial capital: operating profit of 42.1 billion yen, dividend of 114 yen per share, human capital: 14.9% of the company's female employees were non-Japanese, the employment rate of people with disabilities was 2.54%, productivity was improved in terms of manufacturing capital, the number of patent applications was 161 in terms of intellectual capital, Social capital was 82 countries, 77 industry-academia-government collaboration research, and natural capital was a 9.1% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.
Value Creation Process(Click to enlarge)
