Work-Life Balance

Promotion of work-life balance

 NOF is developing a work environment in which the staff can work well motivated while attaching due importance to the work-life balance between work and non-work activities including child care, nursing care, hobbies, studies, rest and community activities. In light of the importance NOF attaches to the work-life balance of its employees, it has adopted systems to provide specific support shown in the table below. The items with the symbol in the table indicate NOF’s own systems or systems that go above and beyond the scope of law.

*1:In the case of childcare, the systems apply for employees raising a child up to the
   third grade of elementary school.
*2:The cumulative saved leave is a system in which expired yearly paid holidays may
   be accumulated. This may be used for personal illness or injury, childcare, nursing
   of a family member, nursing care, self-education/development, or volunteer
*3:Can be taken in hourly increments.
*4:The short hour work system, flex-time system, fertility treatment leave, and the like
   may be taken.

Workstyle reform
 NOF is working to ensure proper labor management with a view to reducing work hours by improving operational efficiency and productivity and promoting fulfilling lifestyles outside of work, while making efforts to reduce work hours mainly through restricting work after the designated time and introducing a work interval system.

   Utilization rate of yearly paid

Recommending employees to take
yearly paid holidays

 NOF is developing a work environment in which the staff can work well motivated while attaching due importance to work-life balance. NOF encourages all employees to take their yearly paid holidays. Additionally, one such initiative is to encourage them to take yearly paid holidays in their respective birth months, and in this way an atmosphere that makes it easier to take yearly paid holidays is developed in the work environment.

 Utilization rate of yearly paid holidays
      FY2022 73.4%

Refresh leave system
(incentive leave for long-term employees)

 NOF provides a system under which employees having worked with the Company for 10, 20 ,30 or 40 years are given seven consecutive paid holidays (which otherwise would be workdays) so that they can refresh themselves both mentally and physically away from everyday duties, and find opportunities to expand their fields of vision and to increase the flexibility of thinking.

   Monthly average overtime
      work hours(NOF)

Days on which employees are
encouragedto leave work on time

 NOF encourages employees to work efficiently and sets one day or more of the week as a day on which employees are encouraged to leave work on time on a company-wide basis.

 Monthly average overtime work hours 
     FY2022:13.4 hours

Volunteer leave system
 NOF has established a system that allows employees to use cumulative saved leave, which they accumulate expired yearly paid holidays, when participating in volunteer activities at the request of the national and local governments, etc.

※Based on the data as of March 31 each year.
※The utilization rate of yearly paid holidays is calculated for the period from September 21 of the previous year to September 20 of the current year (12-month period to take yearly paid holidays at NOF).

Childcare and nursing care support

Childcare support program
 A "career and childcare balance support program" was introduced at NOF from April 2016. Under this program, throughout periods of childcare leave, there is regular distribution via the Internet of useful information on childcare as well as information on events to lift one’s spirit during the struggles of childcare. There is also a contact point for childcare consultations, providing multi-faceted support for childcare. In addition, as the latest internal company information is regularly distributed and a wide range of contents for brushing up business skills are provided, this program supports a balance between childcare and work by assisting with skill improvements during childcare leave and a smooth return to work. The program has been used by many employees, including male employees, and has a favorable reputation.

 Number of employees utilizing childcare leave
  FY2022  95.2%(40 men) and 100%(8 woman)

Support for raising the next generation
(Support for childcare and nursing care)

 NOF provides a system that makes childcare / nursing care and working compatible with each other, and has proactively adopted support measures including raising the age limit of children for eligibility for the short hour work system and extending the duration of the nursing care leave and childcare leave.
 In June 2010, as its initiatives and records in the implementation of the action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children were appreciated, the Tokyo Labor Bureau recognized NOF as an “enterprise active in supporting childrearing.” In our subsequent action plan, we have been promoting the utilization and implementation of childcare leave for our male employees as an initiative aimed at establishing an environment that facilitates a balance between work and childcare / nursing care.
 The requirements for utilizing cumulative saved leave were expanded for nursing and nursing care from April 2016. In April 2017, NOF prepared a handbook that summarized information such as basic knowledge of the Long-Term Care Insurance System, how to balance work and nursing care, and internal systems related to nursing care, to enable employees to continue working and achieve balance when they face nursing care.

Nursing care leave system
 We have a nursing care leave system in place. No employees took this leave during the five-year period from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2022, but we are working to understand the issues, such as how easy it is to utilize the leave.

※ Based on the data as of March 31 each year.

Pensions and Retirement Plans

 NOF has a funded defined benefit corporate pension plan to provide for the payment of retirement benefits to employees. Points are accumulated on the basis of qualifications and years of service, and an annuity or lump-sum payment is provided.
 The funded level of pension assets relative to the policy reserves of the defined benefit corporate pension plan as of March 31, 2023 exceeded the criteria on an ongoing basis*1 and non-ongoing basis*2.

*1:Ongoing basis: Funding level required for pension benefits based on the assumption that the plan will continue in the future
*2:Non-ongoing basis: Funding level corresponding to pension benefits if the plan were to be terminated at the end of the fiscal year
